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Abigail (<abigail {at} abigail.nl>)
Re: shutdown or reboot computer
15 Sep 2003 20:56:23 GMT
Contributed by (tinita)
Jochen Friedmann (jochen.friedmann2 (at) de.bosch.com) wrote on MMMDCLXVII
September MCMXCIII in <URL:news:bk48ef$e0k$1@ns2.fe.internet.bosch.com>:
__  Oh, sorry
__  the OS is Win2000 or WinnNT

Oh, fastest way to shutdown Win2000 from Perl that I know is:

    print "\t\t\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" while 1;

Although this might be fixed with some patch.
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Tad McClellan (<tadmc {at} augustmail.com>)
Re: Why, oh why have I read "Perl 6 essentials"???
Tue, 5 Aug 2003 16:58:44 -0500
Contributed by (tinita)
Uri Guttman <uri (at) stemsystems.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "GS" == Garry Short <g4rry_sh0rt (at) zw4llet.com> writes:
>  GS> Just on a casual note, because the more I read, the more impatient
>  GS> I get, are there any estimated timescales on when Perl6 will be
>  GS> available?
> next christmas (for some definition of christmas).

So then, that would be:

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Abigail (<abigail {at} abigail.nl>)
Re: shorten expression
16 Jul 2003 08:10:02 GMT
Contributed by (tinita)
Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote on MMMDCV September MCMXCIII
in <URL:news:Pine.SGI.3.96.1030715112248.17707C-100000@vcmr-64.server.rpi.edu>:
))  On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, ZZT wrote:
)) >is there a way to shorten this expression?
)) >
)) >$host=~/^(\S*)\s*/; $host=$1;
))  Well, as it stands, even if the regex FAILS, $host will be set to whatever
))  $1 was before the regex.

But the only string on which the regexp can fail is a string that
doesn't have a beginning. Now, in perl6, with lazy evaluation, we
might be able to construct strings without an end.

But how do I make a string without a beginning?
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Charlton Wilbur (<cwilbur {at} mithril.chromatico.net>)
Re: k operator in REGEX??
Wed, 02 Jul 2003 20:59:22 GMT
Contributed by (tinita)
Abigail writes:

> perl -e '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>          / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
>          % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %;
>          BEGIN {% % = ($ _ = " " => print "Just Another Perl Hacker\n")}'

I think my brain is melting.
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Tad McClellan (<tadmc {at} augustmail.com>)
Re: Remove first character in a string?
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 14:51:58 -0500
Contributed by (tinita)
David Bouman <dbo@xbn.nl> wrote:
> Koos Pol wrote:
>> chip() should make a fine opposite to chop() I find myself removing
>> a first char regularly.
> Nah, that would imply having an opposite to chomp() as well,

   sub pmohc {  # the anti-chomp
      $_[0] .= $/;

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Jürgen Exner (<jurgenex {at} hotmail.com>)
Re: The perl CD bookshelf
Sun, 02 Mar 2003 15:14:25 GMT
Contributed by (tinita)
Dave wrote:
> I've lost my copy of "The perl CD bookshelf", any suggestions on what
> I can do?

Did you check your refrigerator already? According to a study a surprisingly
large number of people find their lost TV remotes in the frigde. Maybe your
book went the same way?
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Mona Wuerz (<wuerz {at} yahoo.com>)
Re: [Golf] Querzahl
21 Feb 2003 12:12:48 -0500
Contributed by (tinita)
Christian Lackas <delta@lackas.net> writes:

> >>$ perl -le'$_=shift;1while s/(.)(.)/$1+$2/eg;print' 123456789
> >   perl -le'$_=pop;$_=eval until!s/\B/+/g;print' 123456789
>     perl -le'$_=pop().eval,until!s/\B/+/g;print' 123456789
> Ich denke aber, dass alle beteiligten obigen Vorschlag gelten lassen, oder?

Ist ja alles ganz eindrucksvoll. Wozu aber all die Verrenkungen, nur
um an die Querziffer zu kommen?

      perl -le'print 1+(-1+pop)%9' 123456789
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